Finding Balance


Hello you Beautiful Soul! 

Kids have finally started back school and I feel like my Summer is coming to an end.  As much as I love Summer time with family vacations, lazy days and late nights, I find that I (and the rest of my family) thrive with being in a routine.   

We did have a wonderful family reunion vacation in Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii less than 3 weeks ago.  We’ve been planning this reunion for quite some time – my family lives all over the globe and it was so wonderful to see some that were as far away as Australia.  We had such a magical time – connecting, laughing and sharing stories.  I met cousins for the first time and conversed with uncles I haven’t seen in decades.  

I do have to say, I was a bit disappointed in the food selection on this island.  I’ve been to the island of Kauai and never had an issue with fresh, local fruits and vegetables. This island was different – very touristy and commercialized, and it was difficult to find organic produce and good quality meats (except poke :).  Needless to say, I had to roll with it.  For someone who has food sensitivities and has to watch what I eat, I try to come prepared by bringing snacks, scoping out restaurants beforehand and sticking to an 80/20 plan.  80/20 for me is eating 80% Paleo and the other 20% consisting of sauces, oils and/or some rice or quinoa.  The one thing that was incredible was the coffee! Organic Kona coffee on every corner was the perfect beginning to my day.  For lunch and dinner, I ate a lot of salads, fruit smoothies, vegetables and different types of meats, from poke to oxtails.  Thankfully, I packed a bunch of snacks (i.e. Paleo bars, nuts, seeds for “just in case”).  When I returned home, I had small itchy bumps on my elbows (an indication of gluten exposure/build up) that would normally slow me down for weeks.  To counter this setback, I decided to do a 3-day vegetable juice cleanse and eat super clean to rid my body of the many toxins.  I started thinking “Why don’t I feel sicker?”. The body is extraordinary in the way it works, but experiencing this trip while maintaining a negative mindset around not having my usual healthy foods would only contribute to creating more negative energy that would later transfer to the physical cells in my body, making matters even worse.

I decided that whatever the food was not giving me, time with my family and relaxing on the beach was…..feeding my soul, finding balance.

Often times we are so committed to just our physical health, thinking that focus on our eating habits will result in an improved overall good feeling, but it’s always more about finding balance.  Spending time with my family, connecting with them and recharging was what I needed.

I came home my heart full of joy and wonderful memories for me and my family.   And it only took one week for the itchy bumps to go away, thanks to my 3-day juice cleanse and super clean eating.   Below is my recipe for my grounding beet, ginger and lemon juice for detoxing the blood, digestion and boosting your immune health.  It is not only a wonderful detoxifier but it also helped me stay grounded and balanced all Summer.  

Much love,   



Beet, Ginger & Lemon Juice

6 beets
2 inch piece of ginger
1/4 cup lemon juice

Place the beets and ginger through a high speed juicer and mix in the lemon juice.  Enjoy!  


Living {and Thriving} with Lyme & Autoimmune Disease Workshop                                        

Sunday, August 26th, 4pm-6pm at Grey Owl Mind-Body Studio

Ten years ago, Dena Totaro was diagnosed with Lyme disease which started her long journey of naturally healing her body by using food as medicine and incorporating yoga & meditation for physical, mental and spiritual well-being. During this interactive and highly educational workshop, Dena will share her story, experience and extensive knowledge with:

  • Autoimmune health and food protocols
  • Gut health and ways to heal and strengthen the gut
  • Thyroid and hormone health support through food
  • Sugar's impact on your body
  • Recommendations for thriving with Lyme and Autoimmune Disease
    • Meal and food prepping, planning, snacks and recipes
    • How to be an informed consumer and read labels, ask questions when dining out
    • How to sugar detox effectively
    • Implementing a healing mindset through gratitude, breath work, intention

Dena will also provide a sample of autoimmune disease protocol snacks for you to enjoy!

Please come prepared to ask questions.

$28 Advance Purchase, $32 Day of Event

Weekly Meditation Classes

Starting August 21st, Tuesday nights at 7:15pm at Grey Owl Mind-Body Studio




Dena Totaro