Forward is Forward



Do you ever feel you take one step forward and then two steps back?   Driving down a path, have everything planned out, know exactly where you are going and how long it’s going to take you to get there and you suddenly have to take an unexpected detour?  It’s the journey of life and we all go through it. 
For the past year, I’ve been dealing with something personal which has stopped me in my tracks and had me unexpectedly switch gears.  I’ve had to stop everything I had planned so carefully and put my focus on something very unfamiliar, scary with many mixed emotions.  I could have chosen to run the other way and ignore it, or to choose to do what I needed to: stop and ask myself, “WHAT is the lesson the Universe is trying to teach me?”   
I knew I needed more time to myself, recharging in nature, meditating, energy work, acupuncture and really sitting and contemplating to get me through this unexpected detour. The more I took care of myself, fed my soul, the more I was able to get the answers I needed and move forward. The Universe has a subtle way of communicating with us – sometimes, it’s a soft whisper while other times, it’s a loud wake-up call.  And when we stop, breath and listen, we can find our path and once again, move forward. 
I’m not saying it’s easy, sometimes we need to sit in our “stuff”, be vulnerable or take a few steps back, but as long as we are moving forward – forward is forward.   And when we are moving forward, that’s when we grow. 
If you are feeling stuck, let me help!  Whether it has to do with your health, relationships, and/or career, help is available.  Maybe you’re dealing with emotions of fear, anxiety, and/or resentment, or just feel like something is missing – I can help you peel back the layers, get to the root cause and give you the tools to help you move forward. I incorporate my education, training and passion of holistic health, Psychology, Crystal Energy Healing & Reiki, Yoga & Meditation in each of my healing sessions.   You can set up a free 15 minute  consultation to see what type of healing session works best for you.  
Here’s a recent testimonial from one of my clients with our work together: 

“My life is good but to be honest I felt like something was missing. I just did not feel grounded. Dena has taught me to look deeper into my life experience, heal some painful events from my past, and move forward with more peace and happiness. I am a newbie to energy healing but Dena is a gentle soul and wonderful guide. She is a true healer and will make you feel so comfortable! Dena has given me tools to help me move through life in a more authentic way.  After every session I feel full of peace and move forward with calming energy.”  ~ Bev Holtz


Dena Totaro