BE Still

Can I tell you how crazy busy I was in April and May?!  I knew a storm was in the air.  I’ve been trying to balance my business with seeing clients, teaching workshops and yoga, summer arriving with my daughter finishing middle school and my son with his weekend tournaments; also playing chauffer, constantly driving them from place to place.  I was trying to make everyone happy and not taking time for myself.  I was feeling excited, anxious and drained all at the same time.  Pushing myself, to “do” and not listening to the voice within telling me to “slow down”. My daily meditation became less effective as my mind would comb over to-do lists and my mind racing kept me distant from where my focus needed to be.  A perfect storm came to a head when my beloved Mac Book crashed last week and I could feel adrenal fatigue setting in.  That’s when I knew I needed to step away to get lost in nature and recharge.  

I’ve always had a love of nature as a child playing in the creek at my neighbor’s house, lifting rocks and catching crawdads.  My family would also take trips to the countryside where I found myself climbing trees and sitting quietly on the highest branch possible for hours.  But it was in my late teens when I went on my first back country backpacking trip that I became aware and fell deeply in love with nature.  I remember the minute I stepped into the wilderness. I immediately felt my body surrender.  I had never felt that instant calming.  The magical sights and sounds, engulfed by trees and how untamed and wild the ecosystem is, while at the same time, feeling incredibly peaceful and grounded. Time stands still.  A keen sense of awareness takes over and voices become clear. I have grown to truly appreciate and savor every moment when I’m able to venture off into the wilderness, as it has become my sanctuary, my church, the place where I can just BE away from it all.  

This past weekend was just that.  The minute I stepped out of the car, I felt my body relax and that sense of calmness and clarity immediately started to take over me.  I spent the entire weekend watching nature perform its magic.  The light changing as the sun shines through the trees from sunrise to sunset.  A snail who took an entire day to move inches and the millipede’s many legs that helped power it so slowly up a tree.  I was able to meditate deeply by the raging river and had so many clear messages and answers to questions I had been pondering for over a month.  I came home feeling relaxed, recharged and connected. 

We all have busy schedules (some more than others), but when you get to the point of not being able to listen from within, I hope you can find time to get away from it all.  I find Being Still is the perfect medicine for the mind, body and Spirit. 

Much love, 


Dena is a Transformational Healing Coach and Yoga Practitioner.  She incorporates her education/training with her passion of holistic health, Psychology, Crystal Energy Healing & Reiki, Yoga & Meditation in her Energy Healing Sessions.  Her blog on Energy Healing will give you a better understanding of the benefits of Energy Healing.  You can also Contact her with additional questions or to book a session. 

Dena Totaro