Spring Cleaning & Sacred Ritual of Smudging

"Every flower blooms at a different pace."
-Suzy Kassem

Hello Beautiful Soul- 

At this very moment as I write this Newsletter, I am sitting out in my backyard soaking up this beautiful weather we are having in Georgia.  The trees and flowers are starting to bloom, the birds are singing and the combination of the cool breeze with the warm sun shining bright is filling me with excitement.  I love this transition from Winter to Spring.  
It is a feeling of freedom and joy,  from shedding the heavy layers of the dormant months and witnessing the beautiful colors emerging. 
Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. Winter is coming to an end and when that happens, we often find ourselves wanting to clean up, refresh our space, and get more organized. It’s a natural part of the cycle of life.

One of my yearly rituals is a thorough Spring cleaning and smudging of my home.  If you are not familiar with smudging, it is a sacred ritual which involves the burning of herbs, sacred wood or resin to clear and transform the energy of any space (or person).  It helps move stagnant energy, clear away negative energy and creates space for new energy to enter.

Before I begin, I de-clutter some of the spaces of my home.  I will go through my closets and pack up winter clothes, make a donation pile of clothes, linen and other items which I need to clear out.  Getting rid of the clutter and really SEEING YOUR SPACE will help you examine it in a new light. There’s also something refreshing about being able to see a clean and clear room and really visualize how you would like the space to evolve or grow. Having a clear space will also help you focus on your smudging ritual and let you move more easily throughout the room as you smudge.

Here are simple instructions for smudging your home:  

  1. To begin a smudging ritual, get centered by grounding your energy in order to become fully present in the moment.  

  2. Set an intention and focus on the kind of energy you wish to attract to your space.

  3. Open some windows to allow negative energy to flow out. 

  4. Light your smudge stick, blow out the flame and let it smolder. (I use high quality, ethically sourced white sage & palo santo).  Make sure you have a catch bowl to collect the ashes as you walk around your home.   

  5. Spread the smoke throughout your space and gently fan with your hand or a feather moving clockwise throughout your space. Focus the smoke on gateway areas (i.e. doors and windows) and corners.  Stagnant energy also likes to migrate to high traffic areas of your home. 

  6. As you move throughout your home, you can say a cleansing prayer, e.g.: “I release this space of any negativity or energy that doesn’t support me and I bless each corner of my home with love”.  

  7. At the end of smudging, always end in gratitude.  “Thank you home for providing a safe, protective and inviting space for me and my family. I am grateful for this new season and all the blossoms that are coming my way.”

Afterwards, pause… take a moment and notice the energy in your home.  Does it feel lighter?  What do you notice about each space?  

I hope the energies of Spring bring you joy and the transformation your heart desires.

Sending much love, 

Dena Totaro