How is Your Emotional Heart?

"Only do what your heart tells you."
-Princess Diana

Hello Beautiful Soul- 

How is your emotional heart today?  
Pause with me for a moment, let’s check in.  
Take your left hand and place it over your heart.  Take your time and FEEL where your hand wants to go.  Our heart space takes up our entire chest from the bottom of our neck to the top of our ribs.  Allow your hand to land where it is intuitively being called to. 

Now begin to notice your breath in your heart space.  Again, take your time to FEEL the rise and fall of your heart as you inhale and exhale.  Be in the present moment.  Notice the expanding of the heart space as you inhale and the softening as your exhale. Stay here for several breaths, feeling and sensing your heart. 

Close your eyes (if you can) and ask your heart, “How are you feeling today?”  It may come as a whisper, or an image.  You might feel a sensation deep in your heart.  LISTEN and honor what your heart is sharing with you.
This is a great exercise to do when you need to tap in to your heart, when you are feeling stuck or need to feel connected.  You become present and understand yourself, your feelings and emotions.  This exercise also opens up the heart, bringing healing and clarity.  The month of February is all about the heart, so I invite you add this to your daily practice for self-discovery, growth and transformation.  
Sending much love,

Dena Totaro