Feeling Into Your Feet

Be like a tree
Stay grounded
Connect with your roots
Turn over a new leaf
Bend before you break
Enjoy your unique natural beauty
Keep Growing
~ Joanne Rapits
Hello you Beautiful Soul – 

When was the last time you stood with your bare feet outside and connected with the earth?  If it’s been a while, make time today!  It’s amazing how something so simple can quickly become incredibly grounding. It’s a great way to feel secure – and fast.  It also helps with anxiety, alleviating stress, getting out of your head and finding balance. 
We live in a time that moves super fast! Everything is at our fingertips.  With a click of a button we can have items shipped to us in hours.  Our eyes are glued to our phones and it’s easy to get lost and live in our heads.  We are working harder and longer and the first thing that we cut back on, is to connect – things that matter the most within our hearts.  That can easily spiral out of control where we feel unbalanced and disconnected.  
I recently went camping with my family to a place where we have enjoyed for the past several years.  Camping is one of my favorite activities to really unplug and connect with Mother Earth.  Everything slows down and time stands still.  I can sit for hours in silence and listen to nature communicating with me. The beautiful sounds of the birds singing, the wind blowing the leaves on the trees above my head and the peaceful music of stream flowing in the background.  I always bring my yoga mat, lay out my crystals right by a stream, root my feet into the ground and I can instantly feel a shift.  My body slows down and the mind chatter quiets down as I take a break from the hustle and bustle of my every day.  
This has been an important part of my journey lately and I realized I had to make shifts in my life. I recently gave up teaching 6 classes a week, decided not to offer any workshops for 3 months and created the space to spend more time to reflect and spend time with my kids and family.  With this transition, I immediately felt a softening in myself.  By BEing I’m more present with my kids and connect deeper and by BEing my business has grown organically without me pushing myself to “do”. 
I would like to share a few of my favorite daily habits to keep you grounded in your everyday life and a short meditation to help you connect with the earth and feel into your feet.  

Soak your feet in Epson salt
Take a warm bath
Hug a tree
Meditate with crystals like black tourmaline, carnelian, tiger’s eye 
Go out for walk in nature
Walk with your bare feet outside 

Rooting Mediation
(standing or sitting, outside or inside)

  1. With the feet onto the earth, bring your awareness down to your feet.

  2. Lift up all ten toes and place them down from pinky to your big toe.

  3. Press evenly into the earth through the foot pads of your big toe, pinky toe and heal, close your eyes and begin to breathe.

  4. Smooth, even and continuous breathes, inhaling and exhaling through the nose. Feeling your breathe moving up and down your body.

  5. Begin to imagine in your mind’s eye that the soles of your feet begin to grow roots. And those roots, grow and spread moving deep into the core of the earth.

  6. Imagine the core of the earth and the bright ball of energy that is radiating from the core.

  7. Begin to draw up the energy of the core, up your roots, bringing nutrients through the soles of your feet, slowing up your legs and moving up throughout your body.

  8. Continue with feeling in with the earth energy for 10-20 minutes.

 Much love and light, 


Dena Totaro