Turmeric, Lemon & Ginger Shots

I declared last weekend a detox, self-care weekend and I realize how much I needed it!  Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  I needed a reset and I’m so grateful that I listened within and took time for me.   Sometimes life gets crazy and sometimes it takes a detour. 

Sometimes when you pray to GOD/Universe for guidance a path is shown which is quite different than what you see through your mind.  You might not understand it in that moment but then you know your heart has always been leading and as long as you follow your heart, your life purpose will shine. 

For me, it was a series of events and I felt blindsided as I was forced to take a different path but it was exactly what my soul was telling me.  It didn’t feel good at that moment because I had this picture perfect story that my mind had put together and I had to get out of my head and listen to my heart.  I used this weekend to really turn inward and use it as cleansing of what was to what it’s suppose to be.

I recommend it for everyone, any time.  Often.  We all need a break.   We all need to slow down and we all need to turn inward.  Here are some highlights to my detox weekend and a recipe along the way.   

I started my detox Friday morning with an hour and half hot yoga session.  It’s a slow paced class and you hold each pose for several breaths.  The hot temperature of 106 degrees not only makes you sweat excessively opening up your pores flushing out toxins but you’re able to stretch longer and releasing tension.  It was a great start to opening up my body and mind. 

My next stop was the chiropractor, my body was already nice and loose from my intense yoga session and it was easy for my chiropractor to adjust me. 

I stopped by my favorite juice bar and got a turmeric shot, smoothie and had them fill my 64 oz jug with fresh juice of deliciousness!  I swear by turmeric and I usually make a batch of turmeric shots around the cold season to have on hand or when I feel any inflammation in the body.  There are so many ways you can incorporate it in your life. 

Here are some benefits of turmeric:

-       helps fight cardiovascular disease

-       incredible anti-inflammatory.  Studies have shown that it may work better than leading anti-inflammatory drugs

-       A powerful antioxidant

-       Decreases damaging effects of lupus on the kidneys

You can also increase the bioavailability of turmeric by combining it with black pepper – even a pinch increases the bioavailability by 2000%!   And adding a little bit of good fat/oil like coconut or flaxseed helps it travel through the lymphatic system, by passing the liver and increasing absorption. 

Here is my favorite recipe for turmeric shot.  I make different variations, but this one doesn’t have as strong of the turmeric taste and with the lemon and ginger adds incredible amounts of antioxidants, boosts immune function, helps boost DNA repair and a whole lot more! 




¼ cup Organic lemon juice

1 tbsp Organic Turmeric power

¼ tsp organic flaxseed oil or coconut oil

2 inch piece ginger root (or 2 tsp of fresh ginger juice)

pinch of cracked black pepper

¼ apple juiced (optional, if the ginger taste is too strong for you)


Place ginger root (and apple if you’re using) through a juicer (unless you are using ginger juice) and add all ingredients in a shaker or mason jar, close lid and shake hard for 10 seconds.  Makes approximately 2-3 shots – I put them in shot jars, they are great for on the go.

When I enjoyed my turmeric shot and smoothie I went home and took the most amazing bath.  My good friend recommended this Eucalyptus and Spruce Sea Salt from Whole Foods and now I’m hooked.  It contains Dead Sea salt (stimulates circulation, loosen tense muscles and joints), Epson salt (relieve tension and loosen muscles), evaporated sea salt (rich in minerals magnesium, calcium and potassium), and mineral salts (over 30 types of minerals.  Talk about relaxing and letting go.  Letting go of the week, letting go of stress and releasing even more toxins from my pores.  An important note: When you take a bath make sure that you are in there for 20 minutes.  Anything more than 20 minutes, your body starts to reabsorb the toxins it just released!  Oh, and rinse with cool water afterward.  Talk about jello – that’s exactly what I felt like. 

I ended the night with some home-made beef bone broth – which I always have on hand.  Replenishes my protein, chalk full of vitamins and minerals, heals gut, fights inflammation, collagen.. .  I can go on and on about the incredible health benefits of this super food beef tea but I will save that for another blog post. 

Before I headed up to bed, one cup of dandelion tea.  Dandelion tea is great for removing toxins from the liver, strengthening the immune system and stimulates digestion.  And then… I crashed! 

Saturday I woke up extremely relaxed.  I slept 8 hours.  I don’t think I’ve slept 8 hours in a very long time.  It helped that my husband was out of the country on business and my kids were at their dad’s house, perfect weekend for me and perfect morning to lay in bed, awake with the sweet sound of silence.  I usually wake up at 6am every morning to meditate but today I laid in bed closed my eyes and started to do breath work and then visual meditation.  Next thing I knew almost 2 hours had gone by and I felt an amazing feeling of calm and center and I was floating in a bright white cloud of nothingness – didn’t want to leave that place…. I never do. 

My Saturday ended up with a visit to a local JeJu spa and ended the weekend with more yoga and more breath work and meditation. 

I feel such a calm and peace today.  As I took the time to purge, release the toxins, release the energy blocks, release the doubt, anger, hurt… I raised my energetic vibration and balanced my chakras. I raised my prana – life force, opening my third –eye and aligning with who I am. 

Your body is a vehicle and you get one in this lifetime.  Take care of it, nurture it, refuel and recharge.  Even if you don’t have an entire weekend, it only takes a moment to slow down breath a little deeper, become present and tap into your heart.

Much love,


Dena Totaro