Paleo On the Road

Hello you beautiful Souls!!

I just got back from a wonderful, relaxing and ultra fulfilling week with my family.  My kids were on Fall break and my husband had to work so we decided to make it a family trip up to Virginia where he had to make sales calls.  I have to say it was the best family vacation I have ever taken!  We slept in, had no plans and everyday we just rolled with it.  We took so many last minute adventures and it made us connect more deeply and laugh harder.

There was a time where traveling was a lot more stressful when I had so many health issues and I can see why many of my clients struggle with it when they start on their health journey.  What am I going to eat?  What about eating out?  What snacks?  What if I can’t find these foods out there?... It seems easier and safer for many people when you are at home, preparing meals and snack yourself.  There is a sense of control and security.  Life is not always perfect and you can’t always have the perfect situation of being at home.  This was one of my biggest struggles over 8 years ago when I was incredible restricted on the foods I could eat.  I was not only on an AIP protocol due to all my autoimmune issues I was facing.  I was also on a complete sugar free plan because of the leaky gut, bacteria and yeast infection I had.  I was limited to plain seaweed snacks, bone broth, lightly cooked, non-inflammatory veggies and extremely clean meats.  I had so much anxiety.  It was hard for me to think of how I was going to prepare my food outside of my kitchen and especially being away for a week!  But I did, I still vacationed.  With everything else weighing me down at that time, I was not going to let my restrictions keep me from one of my most enjoyable times – getting away with my family.  Planning and keeping a focus on foods you CAN eat is key and I will share with you what has worked over the years and released many of my client’s anxieties of traveling so they can focus on what getting away is all about – letting go of doing and focus on being present and enjoying the time with your loved ones. 

The first thing I want to say is Perfection can get you in trouble.  I can totally relate to having such a weakened immune system that when I put anything in my mouth I was so afraid it would have a negative effect on me and physically push me down even further.  That mindset in itself will have more of a negative effect than having one meal where your meat cooked in processed oil.  Expecting to have everything run seamlessly as when you’re at home is unrealistic.  Plan as much as you can and the other parts, just roll with it!  And, give yourself praise often for all the successes you have and the road to a healthier you. 


 Where are you going?  Will you be gone for a week with your family or a weekend trip with your best friend?  Get on Google – seriously!  What are the local restaurants and do they have Paleo option.  Check out the menu.  Call them.  With more and more people becoming health conscious (and growing number of people with health issues) most restaurants are eager to please.  Also research the local groceries, farmers markets.  If you’re going on a cruise, call the cruise company and let them know of your limitations. 


Call ahead and ask what their gluten-free, dairy-free options are.  Let them know you have restrictions ahead of time.  I always try to request for a kitchen when we travel, even a mini kitchen with a fridge if we are going to be away for a long time.  If not, bring a cooler and continue filling it with ice so you can have your favorite perishables as well.  


They are so accommodating!  You will be amazed all the food you can eat at their buffet.  I’ve had several clients who I’ve worked with who have had special food made for them and options ready for them each meal, just by calling and speaking to the Maitre d’. 

Road trips/ Plane rides:

One of my favorite activities before I go on a road trip or plane trip is loading up on some of my favorite snacks!! I also will make some Paleo muffins or bread if I’m in the mood.   And don’t forget to pack extra bars, snacks on longer trips and put them in zip lock bags in your suitcase.  Here is a list of great healthy travel snacks you can find in any grocery store plus some spices and cooler ideas. 


Dried/freeze-dried fruit



Paleo granola

Jerky (Epic bars)

Fruit and nut/seed bars (Larabars, RX, Kits Organic)

Plantain chips/crackers

Almond butter jar or individual packs (easily spreadable)

Paleo crackers (yes – them make these now!!)

Kale chips


Sweet potatoes/root vegetable chips

Sardines/tuna/oysters/salmon, canned or packets (yes, I know.  Some of you might not like, but they are a great source of protein and can add to any salad or just add a little salt & pepper)

Coconut wraps

Herbal tea bags


Smoked sea salt (delish!)

Coconut aminos – substitute for soy sauce (if not flying)

Coconut oil (if you’re not flying)

Paleo Mayo


Cooler items:


Coconut yogurt

Coconut water

Hard boiled eggs

Fermented veggies/sauerkraut

Home-made bone broth

Here is what I packed for my vacation: Just Beets, dried pineapple, dried mangos, roasted seaweed, almond butter, Epic bar, RX bars.  


Just remember with a little bit of planning you can reduce any food anxiety you have and spend your time enjoying your vacation and your family.  Happy vacationing!! 
Much love,




Dena Totaro