Growth is in the Air

While I sit and look outside my office window, the lush trees and blossoming canvas are clear indicators that Spring is here and I’m reminded of the growth I’ve seen not just in myself, but also my clients.  There’s an awakening in the air and while we’ve endured the hardships and uncertainties of our recent past, they have become stepping stones of growth in many new ways.  For me, growth has occurred when I’ve been forced to slow down.  Slowing down has made me more present.  Being more present has made me crave a connection with the Earth.  And connecting with the Earth has, in turn, expanded my connection with family, friends and my business.  My passion to help others has grown in ways I’ve never imagined.  I’ve found ways to connect, help, teach, and enlighten others through social media and zoom classes.  I’ve created an intimate and sacred space of remote healing circles.  I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone to reach more people and create a dialogue around holistic healing and how it can teach people ways to heal themselves. 


And as I interact with more and more people, I sense their readiness.  These shifts in the universe have helped them realize what’s been waiting to be unleashed.  Choosing to work through past traumas, tapping into their creative gifts, wanting to connect to a sense of wholeness like never before are just a few examples of the growth in the air and of the collective.  This spark of light has taken over for so many people and is igniting a flame across the globe.  


Wherever you are on your journey, I would love to help.  I offer Intuitive Healing Sessions, Chakra Balancing, Connecting with your Spirit team Sessions, and free Crystal Healing Circles & Zoom classes every month.  This month I am also offering free guided meditations.  If any of these services pique your interest, let me know and I’d be happy to offer a 15-minute clarity call to help answer any questions you may have.  


Sending you much love and blessings, 



Dena Totaro