We Are All In This Together

Hello Beautiful Soul – 

How are you feeling today?  

If you ask me, it’s been a roller coaster ride.  Several weeks ago when the reality of this pandemic set in for me, I went silent.  The energy in my head was too loud, the worries for the sick and dying.  Sadness for the jobless and those alone.  Fear of my own health and my family.  It was difficult for me to ground and I retreated to my cave, and listened.  Forced to Pause.  Move inward.  What is the message from the Universe?  What is the message for me to hear?  Slowly I heard and felt the answers.  I began to feel motivated and became grounded.  
My family and I are on week 4 of quarantine and my body and mind truly appreciates the slower pace.  My kids are home for the rest of the school year and all of us are finding ways to be creative.  My daughter is getting lost in her art and my son is laughing all the time.  My husband and I are taking more walks and bike rides together and cuddling more at night.  I’ve been able to work on projects which I’ve put off for years and really enjoying the creativity.  We are having family time everyday and the stresses of running around and “doing” have turned into Being and connecting.  
These are uncharted waters for all of us.  And we are all have to find a way to navigate through this new territory.  Be mindful of your feelings and give yourself permission to feel scared, anxious, nervous or whatever is showing up for you. But do not allow these feeling to consume you.  Give yourself Grace and know that Light will always find a way.  
Everything comes with choice.  You can choose to lean into the fear or surrender to Faith.  You can choose to get caught up in the number of new cases and deaths or choose to focus on the recalibration of the planet and our Mother Earth brining balance.  For every sad story, there is a happy one people helping one another and bringing Unity to our world.  You can choose to focus on one or the other.  We didn’t choose this, but it chose us. If you are struggling, alone or need help reach out to someone.  There are so many people willing to help, more than ever.  A phone or Zoom call away.  
I am offering free group healing sessions and events throughout the month of April and until we are out of quarantine.  If you need anything please reach out to me personally.  We are all in this together and I am here to be of service.  
Sending much love and light,

Dena Totaro