
Hello Beautiful Soul, 

The topic of Faith has been on my mind, since I had a conversation several weeks ago with someone near and dear to my heart.   Through a life experience, he lost his Faith many years ago and chooses to live (as he calls it) “a pragmatic way of thinking” today.  Our conversation unfortunately went nowhere, and I walked away feeling sad.  I began reflecting on my own life and remembered a time when I had no Faith.  It was over 25 years ago, and I recall this period being incredibly hard.  One bad experience after another over several years resulted in me losing Faith in myself.  I was often angry, depressed and questioned everything, including the purpose of living.  I closed off my heart and lived in a constant state of doubt and fear.

Fast-forward today, I wouldn’t be here without my Faith.  I wouldn’t be here without trusting there was light in the midst of my darkness.  Having Faith gives one the strength to push through limitations, hardships, grief and doubt and fuels the determination to take that leap without knowing what the outcome will be.

So, what can you do if you lost your way?  It might be a prayer, yoga practice or maybe it starts with what’s right in front of you, about what you can see, hear, touch or smell.  And what I found helped me through my toughest times is to receive all things with Gratitude.  Gratitude of the air in your lungs and the sunshine outside your window.  Gratitude for the roof over your head and the fact that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.  If you wake up every day and incorporate gratitude for every single thing in your life, the path to Faith becomes stronger.  

Life is here to continuously teach us.  And whatever Faith looks like to you – whether it’s in your religion, the Universe, a higher self or simply a knowing inside, having Faith through the journey of life will help you through any obstacle that crosses your path.


Much love and light, 




Dena Totaro