A Ripple Effect... And Rosemary & Pecan Cookies

Hello you Beautiful Souls! 

Last week I took a yoga class that left me full of emotions.  Our instructor started practice telling us that with technology she feels our world is becoming smaller and smaller, how she can connect with two of her friends through Skype in different parts of the world, one in Australia and one Zimbabwe.  How you can have real, deep intimate connections with someone across the globe.  Her words had me feeling into all my connections.  The connections with my family in different parts of world, watching their families grow, their happiness and how it brings a smile to my face and warms my heart.  The connections with my friends, total strangers and the people I have the privilege to work with.  We are all connected in so many ways.  I feel this more and more every day.  When I leave the house each day I make it a point to make eye contact and smile at people I come across.  A warm smile to a total stranger, I feel their energy accepting that smile.  No words just a smile.  And if I can pass that one small gift along to a stranger and they feel that smile imagine if they pass that smile on to the next person.  What a ripple effect that would be… This is the reason I love the work I do.  We are all energy.  Science has proven it.  Down to the atom, when looking through a microscope is energy.  When we walk into a room and sense an emotion whether it’s a good feeling or not, that is energy.  The clients I work with each day come to me to transform themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually and no matter where they are in their healing journey, weather they just started and have so many layers to shed or they have been working on themselves for years when I can connect with their energy, I feel their soul.  I see their light. 

Imagine for a moment if you can see everyone’s light, through all the layers and try to connect in with it what an amazing world this would be.   The more I work with people the more I want to help their soul transform so that they may pass along their light and spread the love.  And it doesn’t even have to a person who you come into physical contact but just a single positive thought can have a ripple effect.  Try this exercise for a moment.  If you are alone (and not driving :) close your eyes and take a deep breath in, slowly and exhale just as slow.  Now picture someone you’d like to connect with.  Imagine that person in your mind and send them a positive thought, a feeling or a virtual hug and imaging them receiving it.  How does it feel?  Try it the next time you’re in the grocery store or in contact with a stranger look into their eyes, fully and smile.  How does that make you feel? 

With Thanksgiving right around the corner I have a tremendous amount to be thankful for.  Not just my family, friends, people I come into contact with each day but also this journey called life. My journey, through all of it’s ups and downs has helped transform me so that I can help shape the lives of others and they can pass it along to the next person.  I’m grateful for you.  Here is one of my favorite Thanksgiving treats – I hope you enjoy and make it for your family and friends.  Happy Thanksgiving!!  From my heart to yours.      





2 cups blanched almond flour

½ cup raw pecans, finely chopped

1 TBSP finely chopped, fresh rosemary

½ tsp sea salt

5 TBSP raw honey

2 TBSP olive oil

1 large egg yolk



Chocolate Drizzle:

¼ cup allergy free Dark chocolate chips

1 tsp coconut oil


1.     Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 1 large baking sheets with parchment paper.  Set aside.

2.     In a large bowl, whisk together the almond flour, pecans, rosemary, baking soda & salt. 

3.     In a separate bowl, whisk together the honey, olive oil, and egg yolk.  Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix to form a thick dough. 

4.     Roll the dough into 1-inch balls and place on the prepared baking sheets at least 2 inches apart.  Use your palm to flatten each cookie to about ½ inch think. 

5.     Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until golden brown, rotating the pans once halfway through. 

6.     After cooled completely, melt dark chocolate chips and coconut oil on very low on stove or microwave.  Use a spoon and drizzle over cookies. 

7.     Refrigerate to set chocolate.

Dena Totaro